Public hearing on the Cobb County Strategic Plan at this evening’s Board of Commissioners meeting

Cobb County government building sign, a vertical rectangular sign with the words "Board of Commissioners," "County Clerk," "County Manager," "County Office," "Employment," and a wheelchair entrance icon

The Cobb County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing about the proposed Cobb County Strategic Plan before the regular BOC meeting, this evening, Tuesday, May 23 at 7 p.m.

In August of 2022, the BOC approved a contract with Accenture LLP to develop a strategic plan for Cobb County.

According to a news release on the county website:

“These efforts have included 24 leadership interviews, 5 district listening sessions, two community workshops, a thorough analysis of data trends via the Cobb Data Dashboard & Trends Analysis, a county-wide survey that received over 3,200 responses, and the preparation of both an Insights Report and a draft of the strategic plan itself.”

The draft was presented during a BOC work session, and it was placed on the website, where it can be viewed by following this link.

Two public hearings were scheduled. The first was held on May 9, and the second will be held this evening, May 23.

Once the feedback is gathered, the plan will be brought to a vote by the BOC at a June meeting.

Here is the item as presented in the agenda packet for the meeting:

TO: Dr. Jackie R. McMorris, County Manager
FROM: Jimmy Gisi, Deputy County Manager
DATE: May 23, 2023

To conduct a public hearing on the proposed Cobb County Strategic Plan.

The Board of Commissioners approved a contract with Accenture LLP on August 23, 2022, to prepare a
strategic plan for Cobb County Government. The development of the plan includes the following efforts to
date: 24 leadership interviews, 5 district listening sessions, 2 community workshops, Cobb Data Dashboard & Trends Analysis, county-wide survey with over 3200 responses, finalized Insights Report, developed visioning documents, and the preparation of a strategic plan draft. Accenture presented this draft on March 28, 2023 during the Board’s Worksession and there was interest from the Board to vet the plan with the public in a townhall setting and on the County’s website.

In an effort to provide opportunities for additional public input, the plan has been posted on the Cobb County website for review and public hearings on the plan will be held during Board of Commissioners meetings on May 9, 2023 and May 23, 2023. After receipt and consideration of the additional input, the strategic plan will be brought to the Board of Commissioners for adoption at a June board meeting.



The Board of Commissioners conduct a public hearing on the proposed Cobb County Strategic Plan.

  1. Legal Ad for Strategic Plan Hearing – 2023
    Notice is hereby given that on May 9, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. and May 23, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. the
    Board of Commissioners of Cobb County will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed
    Strategic Plan for Cobb County Government.
    The document can be reviewed online at or in the County
    Clerk’s Office located on the 3rd floor of 100 Cherokee Street, Marietta, Georgia.
    This public hearing will be held in the 2nd Floor Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Cobb County
    Building, 100 Cherokee Street, Marietta, Georgia.
    Advertisement Dates:
    May 5, 12, and 19