Barry Krebs sent the following report on a cleanup event hosted by Destiny World Church, Austell Community Taskforce and Keep Cobb Beautiful. He also provided all the photos below the text:
Destiny World Church, Austell Community Taskforce and Keep Cobb Beautiful hosted the 1/13/24 pre-MLK Day Of Service Litter Cleanup where 67 bags of litter along with several tires and other debris were removed from their adopted Factory Shoals Road and Riverside Pkwy. Mableton City Councilman Ron Davis, Officer Akram and a couple of Lions Club members helped too. It was a little chilly starting off. But our determined volunteers got the job done nevertheless.
If you or your organization is interested in the Adopt-A-Mile program, please reach out to Dawn at . She will get you the supplies needed.

Bring one for the chipper!
Krebs also provided this report and photos:
Every first Saturday in January, Keep Cobb Beautiful (KCB) reaches out to volunteers to help people unload their Christmas Trees at convenient Home Depot and Cobb County Park locations. The trees will be ground up by a chipper and made available to any residents who can put the mulch to good use. We very much appreciate the Hillgrove High School and Kennesaw Mountain High School Navy JR ROTC units, Boy Scout Troop # 795, Marietta Metro Rotary Club and Lions Club who assisted in this recycling effort. Last year, we chipped up close to a thousand trees. We should recycle close to that number again this year.

Barry Krebs is a well-known fixture in the South Cobb community due to his vigorous volunteer work with Keep Cobb Beautiful, the South Cobb Lions Club, Sweetwater Mission, and First Christian Church of Mableton.
If you are active in community affairs in Mableton, Austell or Powder Springs, you’ll encounter Barry, because Barry is everywhere.