Garden Tour photo above by Phillip Hannaford, provided by Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Keep Smyrna Beautiful provided the following rundown of news and upcoming events:

This spring, Keep Smyrna Beautiful awarded KSB Environmental Studies Scholarships to two Campbell High School seniors. The purpose of the $1,500 scholarships is to support students who are planning to pursue a degree in an environmentally related field. Congratulations to the 2024 recipients, Emma Daxe and Hannah Hoeh! Read more about these two impressive young scholars on the KSB blog.

KSB volunteers help ensure that the City of Smyrna’s summer concert stay litter-free! They do this by handing out trash bags for attendees to use and by offering recycling. If you’re at the next concert on July 13, please remember to recycle your cans and bottles and properly dispose of your trash!
Now that we’ve all taken a breath after enjoying KSB’s 2024 Smyrna Garden Tour last month, it’s time to start planning for 2025! If you are interested in being on the tour, please fill out our online application form. We are looking for a variety of gardens that showcase different elements.
Smyrna residents can help us choose the location of our next litter cleanup by filling out our online
Report Litter form:
The Smyrna Recycling Center offers free monthly tours from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on the third Friday of every month. The next tour is coming up Friday, July 19. Sign up for an upcoming tour:
KSB is always looking for volunteers to help keep Smyrna clean, green, and beautiful! Individual and group opportunities are available, including storm drain marking, invasive species removal, litter cleanups, and community events. Learn more at
About Keep Smyrna Beautiful
On its website Keep Smyrna Beautiful describes the organization and its origins as follows:
Keep Smyrna Beautiful began in 1984 as Smyrna Clean and Beautiful, Inc. through a city of Smyrna ordinance. We function as a hybrid organization, with the Keep Smyrna Beautiful, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in partnership with the City of Smyrna’s Environmental Services department. The nonprofit and city department work together to accomplish KSB’s mission.
Since our inception, we have been the premiere environmental organization within the City of Smyrna. We are made up of community residents and businesses who join together to help the public become more aware and concerned about environmental issues. Keep Smyrna Beautiful, Inc. is a local affiliate of both Keep America Beautiful and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation. We are funded by the revenue from the Smyrna Recycling Center, donations, grants, and event sponsorships.