By Rebecca Gaunt
Kennesaw City Council’s first meeting of the year was a quick one, tackling first of the year house cleaning matters.
They approved the $360 qualifying fee for this year’s City Council election in accordance with state law, which requires it be 3% of the gross salary of the position. The current terms for Pat Ferris and Antonio Jones, representing Posts 3 and 4 respectively, end this year.
Newcomer Anthony Gutierrez, Post 5, is also facing reelection. He was elected last year in the special election to replace Trey Sinclair after his January 2024 resignation. 2025 marks the end of Sinclair’s original term.
Pat Ferris will serve as Mayor Pro Tem for 2025 and Tracey Viars as the alternate check signer. The two positions serve to fill in if the mayor is not available to fulfill his duties.
The remaining appointments were filled with familiar names continuing in their current positions: H. Luke Mayes as Chief Judge, Charles Chesbro as Associate Judge, Randall Bentley, Sr. as solicitor, and Bentley, Bentley, and Bentley as the city attorney.
Jeff Drobney will continue as city manager, as will Lea Alvarez as city clerk.
“I’m hoping that we’ll have a big year, obviously not as big as last year, with the amphitheater opening,” Ferris said in his closing comments.
“Bigger,” Mayor Derek Easterling interjected.
Gutierrez urged citizens to take care in light of the extremely cold temperatures predicted for the week. Jones expressed his sympathy for the city of New Orleans following last week’s terrorist attack on Bourbon Street.
Before closing the meeting, Easterling announced that he will deliver the annual State of the City address next Tuesday.
“It really is going to be a big year,” he said.
The Kennesaw Business Association will host the luncheon and mayor’s speech at the Governor’s Gun Club, 1005 Cobb Pl. Blvd. NW, on Jan. 14 at 11 a.m. Register here.

Rebecca Gaunt earned a degree in journalism from the University of Georgia and a master’s degree in education from Oglethorpe University. After teaching elementary school for several years, she returned to writing. She lives in Marietta with her husband, son, two cats, and a dog. In her spare time, she loves to read, binge Netflix and travel.