Allatoona Creek Greenway project open house on April 1

Cyclist on the Silver Comet Trail in article about Silver Comet Trail reopen

The Cobb DOT announced an open house to present the three options for the Allatoona Creek Greenway project, created from previous public input. The county has assessed and analyzed existing conditions along the creek corridor.

No formal presentation will be given at the open house, but the three options will be on display, and staff will be there to answer questions from the public.

Here is a summary of the project from the Cobb DOT website:

Kicked off in the Fall of 2024, the Allatoona Creek Greenway Scoping Study will examine the possibility of a trail that will connect an area stretching from Harrison High School on Due West Road to Allatoona Creek Park.

The proposed segment studied as part of this effort includes a nearly five-mile portion that would be part of a longer proposed trail beginning near Dallas Highway and terminating at Lake Acworth.

The purpose of this scoping study is to develop safe, connected, multimodal and cost-effective solutions to the project trail and to study the feasibility of alternatives, while also preparing projects for advancement to preliminary engineering phases.

Map of the project area

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