Sterling Seacrest Pritchard announces recognition in two insurance industry trade publications

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Sterling Seacrest Pritchard, a risk-management and brokerage firm located on Cumberland Parkway in the Cumberland area of Cobb County, announced in a press release that their firm has earned recognition in two insurance industry trade publications.

Business Insurance included them in its annual list of the “100 Largest Brokers of U.S. Businesses.”

According to the press release, “This year, the firm was ranked as the 57th largest business broker in the U.S. — up from the previous year’s ranking of 72. The firm saw an increase in revenue of 1.4 percent over 2020.” 

Insurance Journal ranked Sterling Seacrest Pritchard in the number 54 slot on the list with Property & Casualty revenue of more than $46 million in 2020. Sterling Seacrest Pritchard was the highest ranking among Georgia-based firms. 

“We are excited to be recognized by two industry publications within our first six months of merging as Sterling Seacrest Pritchard,” said SSP CEO Jim Bailey. “As always, our primary goal is to deliver client driven results while providing an empowering and innovative work environment for our team. Recognition in these two prestigious publications is a further testament to their continued hard work and dedication.” 

About Sterling Seacrest Pritchard

Sterling Seacrest Pritchard is a risk-management and insurance brokerage firm based on Cumberland Parkway in the Cumberland area of Cobb County.

According to their promotional materials they have 300 employees in eight southeastern locations, and provide services to the healthcare, construction, transportation and logistics, manufacturing, real estate, technology and other professional services industries.

The company describes itself as follow:

Our product offerings include all forms of commercial and personal property & casualty insurance, employee benefits and surety bonds. We are a diverse group of professionals with backgrounds in underwriting, claims management, risk management consulting, employee benefits consulting and retail insurance brokerage. For more information, visit