Power outage at the Cobb County jail

Sign for the Cobb County Adult Detention Center facility

Sgt. Jeremy Blake, the public information officer for the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office issued the following public information release this afternoon:

MARIETTA, GA — Today, a section of the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office’s Adult Detention Center is experiencing a power outage due to a water leak. A vendor has been onsite working to return power and will continue until the issue is resolved.  

The Sheriff’s Office is providing additional personnel to ensure adequate care of the approximately 600 detainees impacted by the outage.  Additional ice and water is readily available in the cells. Deputies are also increasing the number of safety and security checks. Medical staff are also on standby.  Detainee and staff safety remains the top priority. 

We will provide additional updates Monday, July 25. 

The Courier will publish more information as it becomes available.