Letter to the Editor: “The black-white achievement gap has expanded in every computation skill area”

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[This is a Letter to the Editor. For our policies on letters, and how to submit them, please see the bottom of this article]

As a new administration takes office, American families will continue to grapple with the ever-changing landscape of college admissions. A new question is appearing: How can students prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist?

The United States faces a growing economic challenge—a large and increasing shortage of individuals with the skills needed to fill the jobs the private and public sectors are creating. Throughout the nation and in a wide range of industries, there is an urgent demand for workers trained in STEM fields. However, there are not enough people with the necessary skills to meet demand and help drive innovation.

In this economic environment, far too many families of Black and Brown children have to struggle to keep their heads above rising financial water while school systems attention focus is on student safety, movements against teaching Black history, over-stressed teachers, and debates over the importance of a kid’s cell phone in a classroom.

Basic skills are essential for advancing in math and science, but the black-white achievement gap has expanded in every computation skill area. States’ positions in high-tech job growth are challenged by rolling workforce gaps and technical trade education versus the path to college. Increasing numbers of students are leaving K-12 without preparation and skills for employment in business competing in a global economy.

As an advocate for science education, I have opportunities to share with parents the future their son or daughter can have in science as I understand the magnitude of the challenge today as we approach another Black History Month with reminders that examples like Katherine Johnson and Lonnie Johnson represent symbols of what a future in technology and engineering can look like.

Parents want their children to have and experience the things our culture and society have conditioned them to believe is important. But are they essential? We need help in delivering “come to Jesus” talks with parents about their children having the latest outfit or social gadget or being able to think critically.

Lawrence King

STEM News Technical Journal   1/20/2025

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