The Kemp Library’s Homeless Pet Club is collecting a list of specific items to give the dogs and cats at the Cobb County Animal Services shelter some holiday cheer. You…
The City of Marietta posted the following notice on their website reminding businesses with alcohol licenses that the renewal deadline is tomorrow, Monday November 15. MARIETTA – Current City of…
The Cobb Public Library posted the following notice on their social media about the Blanket Circle at the Kemp Library: Enjoy sewing, crocheting, or knitting? Enjoy helping the community? Join…
The Cobb County Board of Commissioners will hold its monthly zoning meeting on Tuesday, November 16 at 9.a.m. There have been a lot of high-impact and controversial zoning cases coming…
The news release for the second quarter of the County Employment and Wages section of the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) will be released by the Bureau of…
According to this morning’s report from the National Weather Service, overnight temperatures should remain in the 30s for the next few days in Cobb County. Today, Sunday, November 14, the…
The Switzer Library will hold a sensory-friendly movie, craft, and singalong event on November 20. The featured movie is a 30th-anniversary showing of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. The event…
If you’re looking for a holiday activity of the arts & crafts variety, the City of Kennesaw issued the following press release about unique holiday fun from Kennesaw Parks &…
The City of Marietta’s Parks, Recrecreation, and Facilities Department won the Agency of the Year award for cities with a population of 50,001 to 80,000 from the Georgia Recreation and…
Despite the widely publicized school tax exemption for seniors in Cobb County, and despite the number of Residential Senior Living ((RSL) projects that come before the Planning Commission and Board…