gas prices

Gasoline prices decline

According to a press release from Montrae Waiters, the spokeswoman for the AAA – The Auto Club Group, gasoline prices continued to decline for the second week in a row…

Slight gasoline price decline

There was a slight gasoline price decline statewide in Georgia over the past week. According to a press release from AAA Auto Club Group, “Georgia gas prices decline at the pump…

AAA: High gas prices to continue

According to the weekly news release from AAA, high  Georgia gas prices are continuing.  Prices statewide are an average of $2.68 per gallon for regular unleaded, 16 cents less than…

Further gasoline price rise expected

A further gasoline price rise is expected due to a decrease in supply. According to a news release from Garrett Townsend, the public affairs director for AAA – The Auto…