Number of voting machines at each polling site in Cobb County

line rounds the corner and stretches around three sides of the building at South Cobb Regional library voting siteSouth Cobb Regional Library advance voting line rounds the corner and wraps three sides of the building during the 2020 general election advance voting (photo by Larry Felton Johnson)

The Courier visited two polling sites for advance voting in Cobb County, both in South Cobb, yesterday, and voters who had finished casting their ballots gave significantly different wait times between the two locations.

At the Riverside EpiCenter, at about 3 p.m., voters reported thirty-minute wait times.

At South Cobb Regional Library the lines were long, and people leaving reported 7-8 hour wait times.

On social media voters who had cast their ballots at the EpiCenter reported varying wait times depending on the time of day, with early voters reporting 2 – 2.5 hours, and later voters consistent with the half hour I’d been told in person.

On social media, when I reported this, readers asked how many voting machines and poll workers were at each location in the county.

I asked Janine Eveler, the director of the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration, and she sent the information on the number of voting machines, and told us in an email:

These are the numbers of equipment deployed. We will be trying to add more Ballot Marking Devices at the two regional libraries by using an adjoining room. The spaces are smaller there. The number of workers varies at each location on a daily basis as temporary services workers are sometimes unavailable and have to be substituted. We are posting wait times so that voters can assess which location might be the best option for them.

Facility# of Computers# of Ballot Marking Devices w/printers# of Ballot Scanners
 Main Office9142
The Art Place Black Box Theatre8142
Riverside EpiCenter8142
South Cobb Regional Library662
East Cobb Govt Svc Center8122
Ward  Rec Center8142
West Cobb Regional Library662
North Cobb Senior Center8142
Ron Anderson Rec Center      (Wild Horse Park)8142
Smyrna  Community Center8142
Ben Robertson      Community Center710