The Powder Springs Mayor and City Council will meet Monday November 16 2020 at 7 p.m. Public attendance and participation will be virtual-only due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To watch the meeting on video, visit
To listen to the meeting, phone 1-929-205-6099 and when prompted enter the meeting id 999 86.
If you wish to make a public comment to the council, the city posted the following instructions on their website:
Participation in Citizen Comments – as with an On-Site City Council Meeting – requires signing up with the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting.
The first twelve registering at or on-site will have the opportunity to address Mayor and Council for no more than five minutes per speaker.
Sign up can be on-site for this meeting or via emails to
Registration begins at 6:40 PM thru 7:00 PM the day of the City Council Meeting.
Those signing up to speak remotely will need to be participating on the ZOOM Video or Audio call to be recognized
Here are a few of the agenda items the council will take up:
Powder Springs Road Improvements
The council will vote on a resolution to amend the city’s agreement with Croy Engineering, LLC, to add design and engineering services for improvements on Powder Springs Road.
The funding for the Powder Springs Road project will come from the 2016 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (2016 SPLOST) and the design and engineer services outlined in the resolution will amount to $95,500.
Click here to read the resolution.
South Cobb Arts Alliance Lease Renewal
The council will vote on the lease renewal with the South Cobb Arts Alliance (SCAA), which rents office and storage space in the old museum, and gallery space in the community development building.
The agenda item also provides for expanded gallery space subject to the payment of additional rent by SCAA.
Click here to read the resolution.
Revenue bonds for the Downtown Development Authority
The city council will consider a resolution to approve the sale of revenue bonds for the redevelopment of what the resolution describes as “pockets of blight” in the downtown area.
The resolution, if passed, will also adopt an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Powder Springs Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to implement the redevelopment.
This bond proposal is a result of a resolution adopted at the October 2 city council meeting designating an “urban redevelopment area.”
After the urban redevelopment area was defined, the city held a public hearing on November 2 where they presented an Urban Redevelopment Plan.
The plan was adopted by the city council after the hearing.
Click here to read the resolution.
For information on other agenda items …
For other agenda items, click on this link to visit the complete agenda.