A suspect was struck by a car and killed in the City of Atlanta while allegedly fleeing from Cobb County Police after an armed robbery.
According to a public information release from Sergeant Wayne Delk of the Cobb County Police Department the Crimes Against Persons Unit is investigating the incident, which began with an alleged armed robbery on Woodward Circle in Mableton.
The incident occurred Thursday, February 5 at around 5:50 p.m. Cobb police arrived at the scene of the robbery and began pursuing the suspect vehicle.
The chase led east on I-20 into the City of Atlanta, where the suspect vehicle crashed into an unoccupied vehicle on the interstate, and three males in the vehicle bailed and fled on foot.
One of the suspects ran onto a side street and was struck and killed by a vehicle, the police report states.
The Fulton County Medical Office will release his identity after the next-of-kin is notified.
A second suspect was arrested by Cobb Police and charged with armed robbery, while a third suspect escaped and has not been indentified.
Cobb police are investigating the robbery, while the Atlanta Police Department is investigating the traffic death, and the crash of the suspect vehicle.
The Cobb Police Department asks that anyone with information about the armed robbery contact the Cobb County Police Department’s Crimes Against Persons unit at 770-499-3945.
Crimes Against Persons Unit
The Crimes Against Persons Division of the Cobb County Police Department is broken down into several specialized units, to investigate homicides, robberies, technology-based crime, domestic violence and stalking, and crimes against children. It has a unit that does crime analysis to identify evidence to help link cases and identify suspects.
The division also houses the Crime Scene Unit that according to the division’s website “is responsible for documenting and processing crime scenes to locate evidence, identify suspects, and to present evidence in criminal proceedings. Crime scene technicians are responsible for processing evidence utilizing a variety of procedures for fingerprint, DNA, and trace evidence.”