Cobb County has a useful resource web page to inform citizens about the coming update of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, and to let residents know about how to provide input into the plan.
Most residents of Cobb County know how land use and planning decisions can impact their quality of life through the zoning process, and the comprehensive plan is a way to provide input and accountability for decisions that can affect the shape of the county for decades to come.
The county’s FAQ on the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed Uniform Development Plan describes the Comprehensive Plan as follows:
The County’s Code and Development Standards are just one piece of the planning and development equation. Another key component is the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is the long-range policy document that shapes the current and future development of the County for a twenty-year planning period. As required by the State of Georgia, the Comprehensive Plan is updated every 5 years and includes a Future Land Use Map that provides the basis for what type of development is best suited in each area of the County.
The Comprehensive Plan is the policy document that directs land use, and this document is referred to in informing zoning decisions. County Codes and Development Standards, along with the Design Guidelines, are the regulatory tools for the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Upon completion, the UDC will become the one-stop-shop for the County’s zoning and development regulations, and thereby become the regulatory tool for plan implementation.
The web page includes links for feedback, a video explaining the process, and a number of resources to explain the various aspects of the planning process, including land use, community facilities, transportation, county demographics, and natural and historic resources.
The page was created by the Planning Division of the Cobb County Community Development Agency.
Cobb County Community Development Agency
The Cobb County Community Development Agency describes its purpose on the “about” page on its website as follows:
The Community Development Agency is the development-coordinating agency for Cobb County. It is responsible for implementing federal and state environmental mandates; it advises the Board of Commissioners and the general public on development and planning issues as they affect the environment, financial, economic, legal, and social welfare of Cobb County. The Agency has a responsibility to maintain and increase the quality of life in the County as deemed necessary by the Board of Commissioners and County residents; it fulfills its role by providing and, when necessary, enhancing the following programs as administered by its eight divisions: Administration, Business License, Code Enforcement, Development and Inspections, Erosion Control, Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development.