Cobb County Superior Court announced a new graduate from the Drug Treatment Court. The Drug Treatment Court is one of four accountability courts administered by the Superior Court.
Accountability courts provide an alternative to incarceration for those individuals whose behavior is best corrected through supported counseling and education rather than punitive measures.
In a press release the court issued the statement reprinted below:
Cobb Superior Court judges and staff congratulate D.D., the newest graduate of Cobb’s Intermediate Drug Treatment Court.
D.D., 26, entered the accountability court program a year ago. Intermediate Drug Treatment Court integrates substance use disorder treatment with judicial supervision and individual accountability. Its purpose is to help people who are charged with non-violent crimes by helping them receive treatment for their addictions and become productive members of society.
At Wednesday’s graduation, D.D. was joined by many members of his family, including one who flew in from out of state to show support.
“Drug Court has been one of the best decisions I have made, and I’ve learned a lot of life skills,” D.D. said. “Drug Court has been a rocky road, but I am very thankful to all of my peers and to the staff.”
The Intermediate track is a 12- to 18-month program for participants diagnosed with a mild to moderate substance use disorder and deemed a lower risk of re-offending. A risk-needs-responsivity assessment is completed to determine participant placement in the program. The regular Drug Treatment Court track generally lasts 24 months.
Judge Kimberly A. Childs presides over the Intermediate Drug Treatment Court in Cobb Superior Court. D.D.’s case was originally assigned to Chief Judge Rob Leonard, who joined in lauding D.D.’s perseverance in taking responsibility for his actions and making positive life changes that benefit not only himself, but his family and community.
In addition, Adam Rozen congratulated D.D. on behalf of Marietta Metro Rotary Club and presented him with a gift card from the club, which has been a strong champion of Cobb’s accountability courts.

About the Accountability Courts
The Accountability Courts are four programs run by the Superior Court to provide an alternative to incarceration for individuals who need counseling and treatment rather than punishment.
There are four such courts: Drug Treatment Court, which includes both regular and intermediate tracks; Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court; Mental Health Court; and Parental Accountability Court. Various county and state offices collaborate with the judges and staff in operating individual accountability courts.
Drug Treatment Court
According to the Accountability Court web page:
Drug Treatment Court is an accountability court designed to manage individuals with substance addiction by providing an alternative to the traditional justice system. The Court Is designed to improve the health of our participants, not only by addressing the immediate symptoms of their addiction but also orienting participants to a new way of healthier living which can be continued for the rest of their life.
The Superior Court web page lists Judge Mary Staley Clark as presiding over the Drug Treatment Court and Judge Kimberly Childs presiding over the Intermediate Drug Treatment Court.