Cobb Animal Services waives adoption fee during the Adopt-a-thon event on July 18

Announcement for the event described in detail the the Adopt-a-thon articleImage from the Cobb County website

If you are looking for a new furry family member, you’ll want to check out the Cobb Animal Services Adopt-a-thon.

The department posted the following announcement to the Cobb County website with details of the event:

Join us for our Monday Funday Summer Adopt-a-thon! On Monday, Animal Services will open to the public for this special adoption event.  There will be no adoption fee & an appointment is not required. Just stop by the Animal Services lot, take a look at the featured cats & dogs in our trailer and take one (or more) home as your forever friend.

Thank you to our sponsors who have donated refreshments and treats for the staff, volunteers & forever families who adopt at the event!

Again, the pets in the trailer are free to take home & you DO NOT need an appointment. Drop by on Monday, 7/18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cobb County Animal Services at 1060 Al Bishop Drive, Marietta, GA 30008.

If you’d like more information on this event, call 770-499-4136.

About Cobb Animal Services

Cobb County Animal Services was created in 1971 and is part of Cobb’s Department of Public Safety. The division is headed by Division Director Shana Luke. According to the division’s “About” page, Luke has worked in the in Cobb Animal Services for 18 years, and her positions have included kennel tech, animal services officer, rabies and court coordinator, supervisor and manager. Luke is certified through NACA (National Animal Control Association).

According to the Cobb County Animal Service website:

The mission of the Cobb County Animal Services Unit is to enforce state laws and county ordinances pertaining to animal control and management; educate the community on responsible pet ownership and wildlife care and provide housing and care for homeless animals, while coordinating their adoptions when possible and humane euthanization when adoptions are not possible.

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