Two Cobb online SPLOST open houses scheduled

Welcome to Cobb County brick sign at Henderson Road on Veterans Memorial

Two online open houses have been scheduled for Cobb residents to look over the approved lists of SPLOST projects and give input.

SPLOST stands for Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, and is used to fund capital outlay projects.

The first one, on Wednesday, June 17 from 6-8 p.m. is focused on the county’s SPLOST projects. That meeting will feature BOC Chairman Mike Boyce, the commissioners from the four districts, and county department heads.

>> Click here to view the county’s SPLOST project list

The second meeting will center around the projects within the six incorporated cities in the county (Acworth, Austell, Kennesaw, Marietta, Powder Springs and Smyrna). That meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 18 from 6-8 p.m.

Representatives from Cobb’s six cities will be on hand to discuss their infrastructure improvement plans, and the impact on their city budgets if the projects are funded through SPLOST.

You will have a chance to have your questions answered by commenting online or sending your email questions to


SPLOST stands for Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

The online booklet “Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax: A Guide for County Officials” describes SPLOST as follows:

A SPLOST is an optional one percent county sales tax used to fund capital outlay projects proposed by the county government and participating qualified municipal governments.

In general, county and municipal governments may not use SPLOST proceeds for operating expenses or maintenance of a SPLOST project or any other county or municipal facility or service.

SPLOST is levied in what the law refers to as a “special district,” which is comprised of the entire territory of the county calling for the SPLOST.

By using special districts, the revenue of a county tax can be constitutionally shared with participating municipalities.