Hello. On the eve of Labor Day, a well-deserved holiday break from August’s heat unofficially marks the end of summer. It also marks the season of transition, with autumn beginning…
Cobb County announced in a news release on its website that Chief Judge Gregory Poole of the Cobb Judicial Circuit has extended the Judicial Emergency within the Superior Court of…
[It is the policy of the Cobb County Courier to omit the names of people involved in traffic incidents that are still under investigation] According to a public information release…
[It is the policy of the Cobb County Courier to omit the names of people involved in traffic incidents that are still under investigation] According to a public information release…
Photo by Rebecca Gaunt: Katie Rinderle (back, far right) joined Maariya Sheikh and other members of the Georgia Youth Justice Coalition at their June press conference to announce they were…
The Argentina booth at the Cobb County International Festival (photo provided by Barry Krebs) Barry Krebs submitted the following reports and photos from two events: a women’s health event in…
Cobb Young Professionals, a project of the Cobb Chamber, is hosting its 2nd Annual CYP Nonprofit Bus Tour, co-hosted with the Cobb Community Foundation. The event will showcase nonprofits that…
The Senior Citizen Council of Cobb submitted the following news release. The deadline for reserving lunch at the event is August 31, 2024: The Senior Citizen Council of Cobb is…
Cobb County announced in a news release that contractor locks and parcel locks have been placed on about 200 properties with expired pool permits. The locks mean neither the contractor…