CobbTV, a media service of the Cobb County government, announced in a tweet yesterday that 51 percent of county residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, compared to a 44 percent…
The Cobb County School District reported today in their weekly update that the number of cumulative COVID cases has now reached 3744 since July 1, and 3635 since school opened…
The Georgia Department of Public Health reported an astonishing case rate of 1,434 per 100,000 over a 14-day period among Cobb County’s school aged children, a 56 percent increase since…
Cobb & Douglas Public Health announced on Twitter that they are hiring, and the benefits they describe on their website are impressive, including a defined benefits pension plan, insurance, and…
The news about COVID gets worse every day in Georgia, and today’s figures on hospitalizations are no exception. We’ve blown past 6000 hospitalized COVID patients to a record-breaking 6,003, worse…
According to the figures on the Cobb & Douglas Public Health website, the COVID 14-day case rate per 100,000 of population now stands at 824. Douglas County’s rate is now…
The latest figures from Cobb & Douglas Public Health do not give a reason for optimism as the delta variant of COVID-19 continues to tear through the county. The 14-day…
The Southern Poverty Law Center distributed a statement critical of the Cobb County School District’s (CCSD) failure to follow CDC recommendations on protocols for slowing the spread of COVID-19 among…
[Correction: an earlier version of this article stated that a rate per 918 cases per 100,000 of population is 9.18 the threshold for high community transmission. While cases are reported…
Cobb County Chief Magistrate Judge Brendan F. Murphy updated his eviction FAQ with information about the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to strike down the eviction moratorium put in place…