Lane closures on I-285 and I-75 for three GDOT projects affecting Cobb County

I-75 and I-285 signs in article about GDOT lane closures in CobbPublic domain images of highway signage from Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The GDOT has issued three news releases about ongoing projects that will cause lane closures on I-285 and I-75 in and near Cobb County.

One is a bridge preservation project that will result in I-285 lane closures between Cobb Parkway and Northside Drive.

The news release describes the work and the schedule as follows:

Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) contractors will implement lane closures on I-285 westbound in Cobb and Fulton counties each night this weekend to continue bridge preservation activities. 

Weather permitting, three right lanes will be closed on I-285 westbound between Northside Drive and Cobb Parkway each weekend night beginning 10:00 p.m. on Friday, April 17 through 5:00 a.m. on Monday, April 20.   

These closures will provide safety for workers and drivers as crews conduct bridge joint replacements and apply co-polymer overlay to the interstate bridge structures.  This project includes preservation of eight bridges on I-285 in the two counties.  

The second is the concrete rehabilitation project along the southern portion of Cobb’s border with Fulton County. The scheduled lane closures are in Fulton County, but there will be rolling lane closures where one lane is closed throughout the project’s area, which includes the nearby Cobb portions of I-285.

The news release describes the schedule and the work as follows:

Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) will install overnight lane closures on I-285 this weekend in Cobb and Fulton counties to continue the ongoing concrete slab rehabilitation project.                 
Weather permitting, single lane closures throughout the project area will be installed at 10:00 p.m. Friday, April 17, then double lane closures will be installed at 11:00 p.m. 

These are the scheduled overnight double lane closures on I-285 this weekend beginning 11:00 p.m. on Friday, April 17 until 5:00 a.m. on Monday, April 20:  

  • Two right lanes will be closed on I-285 northbound between Camp Creek Parkway and Campbellton Road;  
  • Two right lanes will be closed on I-285 southbound between Campbellton Road and SR 14 /South Fulton Parkway; and
  • “Rolling” lane closures throughout the project area for hydro-blasting. As crews complete work in one area, the closures will “roll” to the next location.

The third project is in Kennesaw, and affects I-75 between the Wade Green Road and Chastain Road exit to work on the Steve Frey Bridge.

The GDOT news release describes the work as follows:

Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) contractors will install lane closures on I-75 in the Kennesaw area of Cobb County this weekend as work crews continue rehabilitation of the Steve Frey Bridge deck. 

Weather permitting, one left lane will be closed on I-75 southbound between the Wade Green Road and Chastain Road exits from 9:00 p.m. on Friday, April 17 until 5:00 a.m. on Monday, April 20.

These closures will help ensure safety of work crews and drivers as crews pour concrete decking and  install bridge joints on the structure.     

The GDOT has the following recommendations for drivers near road work:

Motorists are advised to expect delays, exercise caution, and reduce their speed while traveling through work zones. Before heading out, get real-time information on work status and traffic conditions. Call 511, visit, or download the Georgia 511 app. Our maintenance team members who repair roads and bridges and our project teams who oversee construction projects are continuing their work while following sanitary work practices prescribed by health agencies to protect themselves and the public from the coronavirus.