Cobb County issued the following notice about a hand recount of the Vinings cityhood vote:
On Monday, June 6 at 4:00 p.m., Cobb Elections will conduct a hand-count of ballots cast in the Vinings 04 polling place. The results recorded on the election day scanner will be compared to the hand-count in order to verify accuracy of the scanned tally. Only one race, the Vinings cityhood referendum, will be hand-counted.The public is welcome to observe at 736 Whitlock Ave., Marietta 30064, in the West Park Conference Room
The Vinings Cityhood referendum
Of the three cityhood referendums that the Georgia legislature rushed onto the May 24 ballots, all three failed, but Vinings cityhood made the best showing for the “yes” column, failing 54.76 percent to 44.03 percent in the count that was certified by the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration