Barry Krebs provided us with the following information photos about the brush clearing and litter cleanup at the Chattahoochee RiverLands Mableton trailhead:
The Trust For Public Land along with the Mableton Improvement Coalition hosted the Saturday morning clearing of invasive brush, vines and thorny bushes as well as expand the width of the paths of the Chattahoochee RiverLands Trails.
In addition to the MIC volunteers, Commissioner Sheffield, State Representative Cummings, South Cobb Lions Club and the Greater South Cobb Kiwanis Club pitched in to make progress on this project.
We also removed about a dozen bags of litter from the area.
This spot will be the location of the highly anticipated Welcome to South Cobb Festival on 9/2/23 that will feature live music, local civic organizations, delicious food and many other fun activities. Check out to learn more.
What is the Chattahoochee RiverLands project?
The Chattahoochee RiverLands is a planned 100-mile-long network of parks and trails running from Buford Dam on the north to the Chattahoochee Bend State Park in Coweta County on the southern end.
The project vision page on the Chattahoochee RiverLands website describes the project as follows:
“The Chattahoochee RiverLands will reunite the River with the Metro Atlanta Region, and link suburban, urban, and rural communities into a continuous 100-mile public realm.
“More than a trail, the RiverLands is a linear network of Greenways, Blueways, parks, and the destinations they create, that will bring people to the water’s edge, promote stewardship and conservation of the river, and reveal the subtle magic of the Chattahoochee to all.”
Groundbreaking was held for the Mableton trailhead in April. The Mableton trailhead and park, located at the intersection of Discovery Boulevard and Mableton Parkway, connects with the existing Discovery Park is the first of what will be many destinations along the river.
Photos from the cleanup (provided by Barry Krebs)