In its periodic newsletter, Cobb County government announced the following selection of the Chanukah events across the county (we’ve reprinted the bullet-point list verbatim): Mega Chanukah Menorah Lighting event at…
Another detainee at the Cobb County Adult Detention Center has died. Sheriff Craig Owens stated in a news release that Clara Palmer was found unresponsive in her call Saturday night,…
Police determine the incident was a fistfight By Mark Woolsey An active shooter report, which turned out to be unfounded, sent shoppers scrambling at Cumberland Mall Sunday night and led…
by Rachel Locke, University of San Diego, [This article first appeared in The Conversation, republished with permission] Threats and harassment are pushing some politicians out of office, scaring off some…
by Rachel Blaser, University of San Diego, [This article first appeared in The Conversation, republished with permission] We named him Squirt – not because he was the smallest of the…
by Beverly Moran, Vanderbilt University, [This article first appeared in The Conversation, republished with permission] The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a set of tax cuts Donald Trump signed into…
by Jennifer Shutt, Georgia Recorder, [This article first appeared in the Georgia Recorder, republished with permission] December 21, 2024 WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate approved a broadly bipartisan bill early…
The following are scores for the past week for restaurants, school cafeterias, hotels, and other food service facilities in Cobb County from the Georgia Department of Public Health. For more…
According to AAA’s weekly report, gasoline prices in Georgia remained the same over the past week, holding steady at an average cost of $2.91 per gallon for regular unleaded. “Fuel…
The Cobb County Courier’s Cat of the Day, selected from the Cobb Animal Services Shelter website, is a female tabby domestic short hair. The following information on this potential family…