How much do you know about Cobb’s government and departments?: Quiz of the Week

The words "Quiz Time" in large cartoon font

The Cobb County Courier has a daily quiz in our email newsletter.

Here on the main website, it will be a weekly quiz. While the daily quizzes in the newsletter have five questions, the Quiz of the Week here will have ten.

The purpose is to create a fun educational experience that engages readers.

Looking up the answers on the web or in other sources is not cheating. The quiz aims to encourage readers to learn about the operation and history of the county they live in. It’s great if you already know the answers, but if you don’t, you should learn them!

If you want a daily dose of the quiz, subscribe to the Courier’s newsletter by following this link. It’s free, and you get a list of our latest headlines, plus the daily version of this quiz.

Have fun!

Test your knowledge of Cobb County government: it's departments and director

1. What department creates maps and apps highlighting various features in the county, including My Neighborhood, and the Cobb County District Lookup?
2. Who is the director of the Cobb Community Development department?
3. How many commission districts are there in Cobb County?
4. Who is the director of Cobb's Emergency Communications (911)?
5. What department oversees the management of HUD, DOJ, DHS, and FEMA funds awarded to Cobb County?
6. Who is Cobb's current county manager?
7. Where would you go to apply for a marriage license in Cobb County?
8. Who is Cobb's Public Safety Director?
9. What department manages Cobb's events centers (Jim Miller Park, Civic Center, etc)?
10. What organization manages Cobb County's Adopt-A-Mile program?