by Arielle Robinson Smyrna’s City Council voted on several items Monday evening, including the new Ward 7 city councilor, the budget, and the design for the Fanny Williams memorial, among…
Cobb County posted a list of Juneteenth events available around the county. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day that enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, learned that they were free….
May-Retta Daze returns to Marietta Square tomorrow, Saturday, May 6, and Sunday, May 7, 2023. The hours are Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 5:00…
[This is the latest installment of “Cobb Cuisine, Culture and Community” by Brian Benefield] Simplicity is the key to Brian So’s award-winning restaurant. It is evident in every facet, from the…
[This is the latest installment of “Cobb Cuisine, Culture and Community” by Brian Benefield] For one day each year on March 17th, I morph into my notorious alias, Brian O’Brien….
[This is the latest installment of “Cobb Cuisine, Culture and Community” by Brian Benefield] Coffee provokes a visceral feeling. I enjoy a cup or two almost every morning. Not only…
The Cobb Chamber‘s Cobb Young Professionals will host its holiday social with a casino theme this year, with fun money and gaming tables. The details are explained in the following…
[This is an installment in the series “Accidentally car-free” about getting around Cobb County without the use of a car. To see a list of the entire series visit this…
The Marietta-based Georgia Metropolitan Dance Theatre (GMDT) announced its 2022-2023 schedule. GMDT is housed in the Georgia Dance Conservatory on Marietta Square. The GMDT website describes the mission of the…
The Cobb Chamber announced in a press release that three events will be held as a salute to education in Cobb County: the Handprint Unveiling Ceremony on October 6, 2022,…