Women who own businesses and/or are pursuing professional careers in East Cobb have a new voice-and resource. A group calling itself Professional Women of East Cobb has formed as a…
The Marietta Museum of History and City of Marietta staff canceled the 29th annual Marietta Streetfest due to continuing concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic. The Museum explained its decision in…
The CIty of Kennesaw announced that it will participate in the fifth annual City Hall Selfie Day, a national event founded to encourage engagement between local governments and their citizens….
A virtual community meeting will take place August 12 to discuss the proposed Redevelopment Overlay District for the controversial Sprayberry Crossing shopping center, which has been the source of neighborhood…
The City of Powder Springs, in an effort to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the city and in Georgia, is promoting the Georgia Hospital Association‘s #MaskUpGA…
The Cobb County School District issued a press release highlighting an online tool to help parents prepare for the online-only opening of Cobb County schools, the Parent Portal. The portal…
In a press release Friday afternoon the Cobb County School District announced an updated opening plan. The basics of the plan still remain the same, with a face-to-face traditional classroom…
What do you think about the state of public transit in Cobb County? You can always grouse on social media, whatever your opinion, but a much better way to give…
UPDATE: A third petition came to our attention, and has been added. As the Cobb County School Board covenes a special called meeting this afternoon, at least two petitions have…
The Courier has been gathering questions about the COVID-19 pandemic from social media in response to our articles about the outbreak in Cobb County. We sent three questions to Cobb…