Cobb DOT to hold open house on Plant Atkinson Road plans

Map at intersection of Plant Atkinson Road and Church Road

Map above from Cobb DOT web page

The Cobb Department of Transportation will hold an open house for residents to learn about the county’s plans for traffic and safety improvements near the intersection of Church and Plant Atkinson roads.

The event will be held on Thursday, May 9, from 5-7 p.m. at the Symrna Police Training Facility, 1100 Wilson Way SE, Smyrna.

Plant Atkinson and Church roads, despite having different names, are the same continuous street that serves as an important connecting road between South Cobb Drive (near 285) and Atlanta Road (between Smyrna and the Chattahoochee River).

The Cobb DOT’s presentation will focus on the intersection at North Church Lane, where the name change occurs. Notable sites along that road include Collins Spring Cemetery, Freethought Hall, and its terminating point at the Atlanta Road Kroger.

According to the announcement on the Cobb DOT web page

The County recently completed a study of this intersection and during this open house, the Department of Transportation will be seeking input from the public and nearby residents on three proposed alternatives. Concept boards will be on display for these proposed improvements.

No formal presentation will be given, and county staff will be on hand to answer any questions.


About the Cobb County Department of Transportation

The Cobb County DOT website describes the responsibilities of the department as follows:

The Cobb County Department of Transportation (DOT) develops, manages, and operates Cobb County’s transportation system. This system includes a vast network of roadways, sidewalks, and trails; a transit system that provides public transportation; and an airport that serves business and recreational flying needs.

The Director and Deputy Director oversee all functions of the Cobb DOT.

Cobb DOT consists of several divisions, including engineering, traffic operations, planning, airport, transit, and road maintenance. It also includes support services, which is a general designation for services that support Cobb DOT across all divisions.

The director of the department is Drew Raessler.