The following news release was issued this afternoon by Ross Cavitt, Cobb County’s communications director: Air Pressure Test at Sterigenics CanceledProposed test was not part of county’s work on fire…
According to a December 31, 2019 news release from the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) a settlement reached with Duke Energy will result in the largest cleanup of toxic coal…
Georgia Power announced in a press release that it is accepting bids for “the beneficial reuse of coal ash stored at active and retired coal-fired power plants across the state.”…
A concrete crushing operation operating illegally, according to Cobb’s Zoning Department, on property owned by Tippins Family Properties, LLC. was the subject of a contentious exchange at the Cobb County…
Brenda Goodman of WebMD, who along with Andy Miller of Georgia Health News, broke the story that brought attention to the exposure of residents in Dekalb and Cobb County to…
The Sierra Club will host a presentation by Janet Westervelt entitled “Journey of a Metamorphic Vision: Solo Mini Bus Travel to the West, Burning Man and Beyond.” The event will…
Climate activists who support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, or H.R. 763, say it will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while stimulating American innovation and the economy. Citizens…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a press release today involving ethylene oxide. Ethylene oxide is a chemical used to sterilize medical equipment. It has been identified by the…
Sterigenics issued a press release this afternoon regarding an investigation by the state Environmental Protection Division into a release of the carcinogen ethylene oxide into the air in July of…