In a newsletter distributed this afternoon, Dr. Janet Memark, District Health Director for Cobb & Douglas Public Health gave an update on the COVID-19 pandemic. She reports a slight decrease…
Cobb PARKS is continuing to clean up in the aftermath of the storms and flooding that hit the county Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. The Marietta area was hard-hit, with…
Girls, Inc. announced that its virtual Strong, Smart, & Bold Awards will be held next Thursday, September 16 at 6:00 p.m. You can RSVP and sign up to watch the…
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday there will be overnight lane closures on a stretch of I-20 that includes Cobb County’ portion of the interstate highway. Friday September 10 from 9 p.m….
[This article is by Andy Miller, the publisher of Georgia Health News. It was first published on September 9, 2021, by Georgia Health News, and is used with permission] Since…
Once again daytime lane closures on SR 360/Powder Springs road will slow traffic. Contractors for the Georgia Department of Transportation will close lanes on that road this Saturday. Powder Springs…
By Rebecca Gaunt This story was produced as part of a collaboration with the Center for Public Integrity and USA TODAY. Just the threat of involving campus police was enough…
By Corey Mitchell, Joe Yerardi and Susan Ferriss, Center for Public Integrity This story was produced as part of a collaboration with the Center for Public Integrity and USA TODAY…
UCB, a biopharmaceutical company with its U.S. headquarters in Smryna, announced in a press release that the company has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for an…
The Marietta-based Georgia Symphony Orchestra (GSO) will open its 71st season with a performance of Gustav Mahler’s Fourth Symphony. GSO Music Director and Conductor Timothy Verville will conduct the performance….