Free Cobb County Probate Clinic

Scales of Justice, by Nerun -- Image licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

When a loved one dies, probate is often the last thing you want to think about as the grief sets in.  It can be a complicated process and figuring out where to begin is hard, especially in the middle of all the other arrangements and adjustments you’re going through.

Legal Aid of Cobb County and the Cobb County Bar Association Elder Law Section can help make probate easier with a clinic they offer on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 9:30 a.m – 11:30 a.m.  It’s held at Cobb Courthouse Building D, 32 Waddell St., Marietta, 30060 in the 2nd-floor lobby.

The clinic offers a free half hour meeting with a private attorney to advise you about the action you need to file, and which forms you need to file with the Cobb Probate Court.

Here is a flyer with more details about the clinic. If you have further questions you can call Legal Aid of Cobb County at (770) 528-2565.

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