The Cobb County Community Services Board issued the following press release about a group of neighbors in downtown Marietta who pitched in to help out during the holiday season:
Neighbors in The Quad at Meeting Park in downtown Marietta served as “Angels” for people in substance use recovery at Cobb County Community Services Board’s (CCCSB) Recovery in Motion program. Serving as this year’s Angel Tree sponsors, neighbors chose from one of 20 names to provide gifts like coats, pots & pans, boots and more.
“We are so grateful that these neighbors chose to host an Angel Tree on behalf of those we serve,” says Dawn Smith, Program Supervisor at CCCSB’s Recovery in Motion Program. “It is very important when in substance use recovery that individuals know that people care. This kind act of giving goes a long way in making our residents feel special and loved.”
Recovery in Motion is a semi-independent, 24-hour, supervised program that houses individuals with substance use disorders. Serving both adult males and females, the program offers onsite staff, on-call nursing, transportation to clinical services, community meetings and life skills. Individuals receive clinical services CCCSB’s Outpatient Program and are required to attend treatment programs.

The program is just one of five behavioral health and intellectual/developmental disabilities residential programs offered at CCCSB. In addition to residential programs, CCCSB offers numerous day services and operates the 24-hour Behavioral Health Crisis Center on County Services Rd. in Marietta. For more information about CCCSB, visit