Cobb County Drug Treatment Court highlights new incentives to encourage program success

photo of Cobb Superior Court building from the front with a blue sky with clouds in the background

Cobb County posted a news release to its website that highlights a new incentive program called the “A-Team” to encourage successful completion of the Cobb Superior Court’s Drug Treatment Court. The A-Team is a recognition of outstanding participants.

The new program also names a weekly MVP.

The Cobb County Board of Commissioners recently presented a proclamation recognizing May as National Drug Court Month.

The Drug Treatment Court is one of Cobb County’s four accountability courts set up to provide an alternative to incarceration for nonviolent offenders whose offense is best handled with treatment and counseling, rather than more punitive measures like incarceration.

The news release described the Drug Treatment Court as follows:

The intensive program, suited for criminal offenders who are generally non-violent, lasts a minimum of two years and aims to treat an individual’s underlying addictions and return him or her to a productive member of society while reducing incarceration costs. Accountability courts provide intensive treatment for substance use disorder and use incentives and sanctions to modify behaviors.

“We set aside this month to raise awareness that Drug Courts are saving lives, reuniting families, reducing crime, and saving money,” Porsha Middlebrook, program coordinator, said in the news release. “Drug Courts work!”

According to the news release, nearly 700 people have graduated from the program, and 30 people are currently participating in one of the program’s five phases.

Participant D.W., 29, of Powder Springs said in the news release: “The addition of the A-Team has added so much life to the program. It gives people a chance to be recognized for the achievements and milestones that they have made toward their ultimate goal, which is to graduate and maintain sobriety.”

Director Jennifer Tillery oversees all of Cobb’s Accountability Courts, including the Mental Health Court and Veterans Court.

“We are truly dedicated to making sure that everything we do in the Drug Treatment Court is up-to-date, proven effective, and meets or exceeds the national standards,” Tillery said. “We use evidence-based treatment protocols to ensure our participants receive treatment that works and will empower them to continue in recovery long after they graduate.”

About the Accountability Courts

Materials distributed by Cobb County Superior Court describe Cobb’s four accountability courts as follows:

Cobb Superior Court has four such courts: Drug Treatment Court, which includes both regular and intermediate tracks; Veterans Accountability and Treatment Court; Mental Health Court; and Parental Accountability Court. Various county and state offices collaborate with the judges and staff in operating individual accountability courts.

The purpose of the accountability court program is to provide an alternative to incarceration for individuals who need counseling and treatment rather than punishment.

Judge Kimberly Childs presides over the Drug Treatment Court, and Judge Ann B. Harris heads the Parental Accountability Court.