It seems like we’ve just recovered from Snowpocalypse 2017. Now Snowpocalypse 2018 has raised its head. Once again our intrepid photojournalist has braved the snow to trudge as far as…
Send out the rescue dogs! Mobilize the snowplows! Airlift in food and supplies! It’s Mableton Snowpocalypse 2017. Check out the slideshow below from our intrepid photojournalist who braved the storm…
There was an explosive pop, followed by a power outage for much of the Johnston’s Crossing neighborhood in Mableton this morning. According to the Georgia Power technician who investigated the…
Cobb County history buffs and local residents gathered Sept. 23 to celebrate a grand re-opening for Shoupade Park, a set of two preserved Civil War trenches complete with new signs…
Saturday was Mableton Day 2017, and the popular event had something for everyone. Music, dancers, classic cars, and food vendors were just a few of the attractions. Mark Petry drove…
The Mableton Improvement Coalition hosted a public meeting at the South Cobb Community Center Tuesday evening. Cobb County district 4 commissioner Lisa Cupid, and commission chairman Michael Boyce were on…
Do you live near Mableton Parkway or Veterans Memorial Highway? Do you consider those roads, in their current condition, a source of community pride: pleasant places to walk, cycle, or…
This Thursday Jan. 12 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. a public meeting will be held to get citizen input on design guidelines for Mableton Parkway and Veterans Memorial Highway. It will be…
On Thursday June 9 Cobb County’s planning department held a meeting to get citizen input to guide the development of the 2040 Cobb County comprehensive plan. The plan will apply…