A Dunkin’ restaurant in Kennesaw is offering a free coffee per week for a year for the first 50 drive-through customers at its grand re-opening this Friday. The free coffee…
A special election will be held on Tuesday June 15 to fill the seat vacated by Republican Bert Reeves, Georgia House District 34 (HD-34). We ran an article previously with…
by Arielle Robinson Acworth’s Police Department approached the mayor and Board of Aldermen Monday evening, requesting the board adjust their fiscal year 2022 budget to pay for added positions to…
The Cumberland Community Improvement District (CID) announced in a press release that a new bike share station has been launched at Galleria Gardens. There are now seven stations in the…
The design firm Gresham Smith has been awarded the contract to design the first phase of of the Chattahoochee River Trail that will parallel the river between Mableton Parkway and…
The Cobb County Police Department is investigating what they believe to be a homicide and suicide at the Riverside EpiCenter on Riverside Parkway. [It is the policy of the Cobb…
The City of Powder Springs sent out an update and correction for the Ford Center vaccination site, which also includes the registration link. We’ve made the updates in the body…
by Rebecca Gaunt The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to move forward with improvements to Butler Creek as part of the Butler Creek aquatic watershed ecosystem restoration plan. In…
The pedestrian who was struck by a car Sunday, and who received potentially life-threatening injuries, was identified and his family notified. Officer Chuck McPhilamy of the Marietta Police Department wrote,…
A special election will be held on Tuesday June 15 to fill the seat vacated by Republican Bert Reeves, Georgia House District 34 (HD-34). Only residents of HD-34 will vote…