Avid community volunteer Barry Krebs submitted the following report with photos on the First Christian Church of Mableton adopt-a-mile litter cleanup of Old Alabama Road: The First Christian Church of…
Avid community volunteer Barry Krebs submitted the following reports and photos from two Sweetwater Mission food distribution events in South Cobb: Food distribution at Friendship Revival Center Barry submitted the…
Avid community volunteer Barry Krebs submitted the following report and photos about an adopt-a-mile cleanup on Old Alabama Road and Cardell Roads: The Friends Of Socktown appreciate the support from…
Barry Krebs submitted reports and photos about three events: a community food distribution at Friendship Revival Center, a litter cleanup , and the removal of invasive plants in Heritage Park….
All photos provided by Barry Krebs Barry Krebs submitted the following reports and photos from two volunteer events in south Cobb: the Austell Community Task Force Back-to-School Jam, and a…
Barry Krebs sent descriptions and photos from two volunteer events in Cobb County: Quarterly MIC cleanup on Floyd Road It was a wonderful weekend to be out and about. MIC…
Do you need legal advice on civil matters such as family law, landlord/tenant disputes, probate, immigration, small claims, or bankruptcy? There’s an event in Mableton that may be able to…
The Riverside EpiCenter, a community gathering spot affiliated with Bishop Dale C. Bronner’s Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, was the site of a networking and community engagement event on…