Here are the 48 new businesses listed by Cobb County with licenses taking effect by Sunday, June 18, 2023. We’ve edited out some of the administrative information, but if you…
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation issued a statement on its investigation of the fatal shooting of a Carrollton man by Cobb County police officers when they were called for a…
The City of Powder Springs distributed the following announcement about its upcoming annual 4th of July Celebration for 2023: “The City of Powder Springs is presenting its annual free-to-the-public 4th…
The following are scores for the past week for restaurants, school cafeterias, hotel, and other food service facilities in Cobb County from the Georgia Department of Public Health For more…
Barry Krebs, well-known in the Mableton and Austell areas for organizing and participating in community cleanups as part of his activities with Keep Cobb Beautiful and with the South Cobb…
The Cobb County Courier’s Cat of the Day, selected from the Cobb Animal Shelter website, is a long-sized male tabby domestic short hair. The following information on this potential family…
After entering a guilty plea to two counts of child molestation, Guy Richard Houze, 72, was sentenced by Cobb Superior Court Judge Sonja N. Brown to eight years in prison…
Officer Aaron Wilson of the Cobb County Police Department issued the following public information release: On Sunday, May 28, 2023, around 11:35 am, Cobb County Police responded to an address…
Cobb County posted a list of Juneteenth events available around the county. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day that enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, learned that they were free….
The Mableton City Council will meet this Thursday, May 25, at 6:30 p.m. Mableton Mayor Dr. Michael Owens distributed the following notice: CITY OF MABLETON STATE OF GEORGIA COBB COUNTY…