Philip Goldstein, who represents Marietta’s Ward 7 on the city council, received a Certificate of Dedication award from the Harold F. Holtz Municipal Training Institute at the Georgia Municipal Association’s…
Cobb & Douglas Public Health wants you to have a safe Independence Day and urges families to attend public fireworks displays rather than set off fireworks at home. A press…
Cobb County Commission Chairman Michael Boyce said that the county will not be rolling back the millage rate, which in 2016 was 28.75. He said on his weekly CobbTV update,…
If you regularly attend meetings of the Cobb County Board of Commissioners or the South Cobb Redevelopment Authority you have probably seen Monica Delancy speaking on education and affordable housing, among…
During the 19th Century, wooden covered bridges were a common sight throughout the area that later became metro Atlanta. Before the 1920s, when creosote became the preferred way of protecting wooden…
From the Editor As I wrote last week, River Edges is due for a name change. I’m going through the process of setting up a Limited Liability Corporation and applying…
State of Our Schools is holding a parent leadership summit on Saturday, June 24, 2017, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Riverside Intermediate School, 285 South Gordon Rd., Mableton, Georgia…
Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). This day is set aside to recognize the serious problem of the physical and emotional abuse, and financial victimization, of our most vulnerable…
The public hearings for Cobb County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan will be held Thursday, July 6, 9 a.m. and Tuesday, August 8 at 9 a.m. Both meetings will be in the…
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is tomorrow, Thursday June 15, 2017. Cobb County issued a proclamation recognizing WEAAD at their Tuesday Board of Commissioners meeting. In preparation, the Cobb Elder…