By Sudha Gururaj Last Friday night, the Campbell High Football team was defeated by East Coweta High Football team 45-14. This was Campbell’s third straight loss after losing to Pebblebrook…
Leroy “Tre” Hutchins, who is running unopposed for Cobb County Board of Education Post 3, answered questions from the Courier about his plans and positions as an incoming school board…
The Mableton Improvement Coalition (MIC) will hold an online education forum on the digital divide in education. The forum will be held July 21, 2020 at 7 to 8:30 p.m….
Cobb County community civic groups hosted an online panel Thursday evening where law enforcement officials and community leaders discussed racial justice and law enforcement. The Mableton Improvement Coalition, Austell Community…
Edwin Mendez is running for the Cobb County Board of Commissioners from District 4, the seat current Commissioner Lisa Cupid is vacating to run for BOC chair. Background In a…
School principals, parents and community members came together for the Mableton Improvement Coalition’s Education Forum on Tuesday. The focus of the meeting was to develop a partnership with parents and…
The Austell Community Taskforce (ACT) met with residents and community leaders on Saturday, Aug. 25 to explore next steps in making the community whole after a number of crises that…
The first of two National Night Out events took place Sunday at the Parkview Apartments on Riverside Parkway. The event was organized by the We Thrive in Riverside Renters Association….
The Riverside EpiCenter, a community gathering spot affiliated with Bishop Dale C. Bronner’s Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, was the site of a networking and community engagement event on…
This is a guest editorial from Monica Delancy, the founder and executive director of We Thrive in Riverside Renters Association. As 2017 closes and 2018 begins it is imperative that…