A ribbon-cutting ceremony to recognize the two artists who created the “Be Kind” mural in downtown Powder Springs will take place at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25. The ceremony will…
At its September 7, 2021 zoning hearing Tuesday, the Cobb County Planning Commission voted to hold a decision for 30 days on a request to rezone a property located on…
According to a press release from the Georgia Department of Transportation, the daytime lane closures that have been a regular feature on SR 36/Powder Springs Road will resume this Saturday….
Powder Springs will feature representatives from its city departments in an open-air town hall on Tuesday August 24. For further information see their announcement from their web site, reprinted below:…
Cobb County issued the following news with updated information on qualifying dates for municipal elections on November 3. The qualifying dates, time, and location for Powder Springs was added. The…
The Powder Springs City Council meets tomorrow evening, Monday August 16. The pre-meeting is at 6:30, and the regular council business begins at 7 p.m. The council will review the…
The Georgia Department of Transportation announced in a press release that lanes will be closed during daylight hours on SR 360/Powder Springs Road Saturday July 30,2021. The purpose of the…
There will be two back-to-school events in downtown Powder Springs on July 31. The first is the Powder Springs Community Taskforce’s 20th-annual “Back2School Bash,” at Powder Springs First United Methodist…
Due to a tragic auto accident that took the life of the wife of the carnival owner, and left his son with life-threatening injuries, the Powder Springs Carnival has been…
Cobb & Douglas Public Health will administer free first doses of the two-part Pfizer vaccination at SpringsFest, the annual Independence Day festival in Powder Springs. CDPH is asking that those…